Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Glowing and Showing

What up Nerds,
Blinking Mickey Mouse ears may be one of the coolest things ever.  Mickey Mouse Ears that blink with your favorite nighttime show at your favorite Disney park, supermegaawesomecool!  Of course, that only counts if your favorite Disney nighttime show is Wold of Color, Wishes, Remember, or Magical.  (F off Illuminations and Fanstasmic!)

For the few of you that haven't already seen them, Glow with the Show is the newest in park expenditure that every young child and nerdy adult needs to feel apart of the magic.  They are Mickey Mouse ears that have LED lights that blink and change color in time with the show.  It sounds very simple, but when you get a crowd of people together waring the ears, the effect is pretty amazing.

The ears get signals off transmitters hidden in the show viewing areas that tell the ears what to do.  Disney has been experimenting with secret signals to your toys for quite some time now.  In 2001, for the 100 Years of Magic celebration, they tried to make everyone buy pins that would blink along with your favorite rides.   Later, they had Pal Mickey, that would say crazy and annoying things whenever you got close to certain locations in the parks.  Both failed to really take off and faded into Disney marketing oblivion.

The Glow with the Show ears make for an amazing effect when you are at the park with a crowd of people wearing the same ears, but once you take them home, they are nothing more than a memory of the awesomeness you are no longer taking part in.  Sure, if you live close to a Disney park, they are a sound investment towards continued nighttime amusement, but if you don't, it's a one time blink fest that has little additional use at home.

Check out our latest video on Glow with the Show.  We have included some shots from World of Color and Disney Dreams in Paris (both from the Disney Parks YouTube channel) so you can get a feel for what the ears add to the shows if you haven't seen it for yourself.

Glow on Nerds,

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