Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Adventure Dome and El Loco Construction

Theme Park Nerds Face Book Page
Hello nerds,

Today I took a little trip to the other side of town to check out the Circus, Circus Adventure Dome, and indoor amusement park on The Strip.  They are currently in the process of adding a new coaster, called "El Loco" in the former lagoon of their old tidal wave boat ride.  Let's take a look, shall we?

If you have never been to the Adventure Dome, the ceiling is made up of pink glass, so everything in the park has a bit of a pink tint to it.

You gotta love a construction sign! 

 This fence is outside the edge of the old lagoon for the old tidal wave ride.  It looks like this will eventually be the entrance for El Loco.

 A view from the bridge over old tidal wave lagoon.  As you can see, this portion of the flume has been removed and the lagoon has been cleared to make way for the coaster.

 There isn't really any signs of construction for the new coaster yet.

 Given how small and packed the dome is, this is actually a fairly large chunk of real estate being devoted to this little coaster.

 Looking up into the top of the canyons, you can see that portions of the boat flume are still present.  This was actually a pretty cool boat ride that took you through a few caves at the top of the dome before the big splash down.

 The removed waterfall from a different angle.

 The cleared site with the splashdown viewing bridge in the background.

 Onto a few shots from the rest of the park.  Here is the Canyon Blaster roller coaster in mid loop.  This is one of the opening day attractions.  A short, but good coaster.

 It travels through the center of the park, with two loops, two corkscrews, and a double helix before reentering the station.

The helix goes in and out of the caves above the laser tag arena and near the 3D theaters.

 Not sure how long this has been there, but they turned a few pathways in the park into a mini-golf course.  

 It was a very creative way to cram another attraction into a very small area.

 Here's their Inverter, a standard ride that is at many carnivals.

 Their Farris Wheel, with gondolas shaped like hot air balloons.

I actually liked Sponge Bob 4D more than I thought I would.  A cute show with excellent use of bubbles.

 Wanna see a move?  They gots movies!

Sea World isn't the only ones with a penguin ride!  The Happy Feet simulator is a very...interesting... concept.  I am not sure how someone decided to make a ride film out of CGI penguins, but it is fun.  I also like that this attraction reuses the motion theaters from the old Luxor ride.

 For everyone in Orlando, this is NOT like the Garden Grill in Epcot.  This one does not rotate and is not all you can eat, however, it is not infested with rodents trying to take pictures with your children.

That's it from Las Vegas for today.  As soon as El Loco starts to make some visible construction progress, I'll be sure to let you know.

Until then, Later Nerds!

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